Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Commercials Cure Anxiety!

A little glimpse into my mind:
When I was a kid I used to have really bad anxiety and I didn't hang out with a lot of people during the summer, either because I was gone or they were gone or I lived far away, or I was really awkward or whatever. I would just hope and hope for school to start so I didn't have to think about anything anymore and I didn't have to worry about stupid things.
Obviously as it got closer to the school year starting there were tons of commercials for school supplies. I dunno about you, but I LOVED getting school supplies every year. I couldn't care less about the clothes and the shoes, it was all about the supplies.
There was one commercial in particular that for some reason always made me feel better; It was a Five Star First Gear commercial. I have NO IDEA why it put me at ease like it did for all 30 seconds that it was on, but it did and it has stuck in my mind ever since then.
There is a part at the end of the commercial where the 2 people are walking and it looks like fall outside and it always just made me feel better inside and calmed me down. I ALWAYS think of this commercial when Fall is coming. Literally every year since I first saw it. We're talking like 1994. I've remembered this damn commercial since 1994!
Anyways, since it is almost Fall I started thinking about this commercial again. I just have the memory of it cause I never had it recorded or anything (cause let's face it, that's just weird) but then I had a BRILLIANT idea! I was like "Dude, Kels. YouTube. YouTube has errythang!" So I went to look it up just now cause I do NOT want to be doing my homework, and guess what!? I FOUND IT. For really reals. I found the commercial that made me feel calm like my Grandma was holding me while I cried. Today is AWESOME!

Here it is folks, the commercial that cures anxiety

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