This is a quick glimpse at how my thought process tends to work.
Also, Rox and I have a routine where she asks me how my weekend was and then I tell her some of what I did. But this weekend was so rad I had to write it ALL out!
McNew, Roxanna [12:38 PM]:
Also, Rox and I have a routine where she asks me how my weekend was and then I tell her some of what I did. But this weekend was so rad I had to write it ALL out!
McNew, Roxanna [12:38 PM]:
what did you do this weekend?
Edwards, Kelsey [12:38 PM]:
Edwards, Kelsey [12:38 PM]:
give me a minute
Edwards, Kelsey [12:49 PM]:
Edwards, Kelsey [12:49 PM]:
so on saturday shane and i went adventuring
Edwards, Kelsey [12:49 PM]:
i slept in that day
Edwards, Kelsey [12:49 PM]:
till 11
McNew, Roxanna [12:50 PM]:
Edwards, Kelsey [12:50 PM]:
then we went to twin at 1 to go to an airshow
Edwards, Kelsey [12:50 PM]:
and i got to watch the blue angels!
Edwards, Kelsey [12:50 PM]:
for the first time
Edwards, Kelsey [12:50 PM]:
they were awesome
Edwards, Kelsey [12:50 PM]:
and the planes were awesome
McNew, Roxanna [12:50 PM]:
ahhh those are fun
Edwards, Kelsey [12:50 PM]:
and they let me touch things
McNew, Roxanna [12:50 PM]:
Edwards, Kelsey [12:50 PM]:
and i got to get a picture with Lt. Tickle
Edwards, Kelsey [12:50 PM]:
and that cracked me up reaaaaal hard
Edwards, Kelsey [12:50 PM]:
then we went to costco in twin minutes before they closed cause i
needed to buy food for church
Edwards, Kelsey [12:51 PM]:
then we went to his parents house and watched the olympics till
it got dark and then we went to the bruneau observatory and looked at space and
it was AWESOME
Edwards, Kelsey [12:51 PM]:
and we drove through like 4 miles of swarms of gnats
Edwards, Kelsey [12:51 PM]:
and it was gross and hilarious
Edwards, Kelsey [12:51 PM]:
and the weather was perfect
Edwards, Kelsey [12:51 PM]:
and i rode a school bus
Edwards, Kelsey [12:51 PM]:
and i saw mtn home
Edwards, Kelsey [12:51 PM]:
and i got sunburnt
Edwards, Kelsey [12:52 PM]:
and i got home at midnight and went to bed at 2:30
Edwards, Kelsey [12:52 PM]:
then woke up at 7:30 and went to church which was good
McNew, Roxanna [12:52 PM]:
ugh that is LATE
Edwards, Kelsey [12:52 PM]:
i got to teach teh kiddos this week
Edwards, Kelsey [12:52 PM]:
and they were fun and i tought them quiet coyote
Edwards, Kelsey [12:52 PM]:
and they got to make planets
McNew, Roxanna [12:52 PM]:
ahh fun
Edwards, Kelsey [12:53 PM]:
and then i went shopping and almost bought a raft but decided not
to and i went to the army/navy surplus (which btw, i have to not go there a lot
cause I LOVE it) and that was awesome
Edwards, Kelsey [12:53 PM]:
then i floated the river with matt and tabby and keri and almost
Edwards, Kelsey [12:53 PM]:
and we lost a paddle which sucked
Edwards, Kelsey [12:53 PM]:
but it was fun and cold and awesome and i wore a lifejacket
Edwards, Kelsey [12:53 PM]:
cause i don't wanna drown ever
Edwards, Kelsey [12:53 PM]:
and then i drove matt and tabby to look at a house they want to
Edwards, Kelsey [12:53 PM]:
cause they ride bikes everywhere and were late to that meeting
Edwards, Kelsey [12:54 PM]:
then i went home and took at shower and it was then 8 pm and i
sat in my chair and watched the olympics and played on the internet
Edwards, Kelsey [12:54 PM]:
then i finished Love Does by Bob Goff which changed my life and
then I watched 30 Rock and went to sleep around 1. I had an amazing weekend.
McNew, Roxanna [12:55 PM]:
sounds like it
Edwards, Kelsey [12:56 PM]:
i sometimes get overwhelmed by how blessed i am and then
sometimes i feel bad for enjoying it as much as i do when i know that there are
lots of people that can't do the things that i can and i think maybe i should
not have fun like i do and do something to make someone else's life better
Edwards, Kelsey [12:57 PM]:
but then i think that i can do both of those things
Edwards, Kelsey [12:57 PM]:
and then i stop thinking about it and usually fall asleep. i have
deep thougths at night time
McNew, Roxanna [12:58 PM]:
Edwards, Kelsey [12:58 PM]:
i think im going to put this into my blog so people can see what
my thought process is like, sometimes i wonder how i can keep up with myself
McNew, Roxanna [12:58 PM]:
but why couldn't other people have that kind of weekend fun
McNew, Roxanna [12:58 PM]:
it probably didn't cost you hardly anything
Edwards, Kelsey [12:58 PM]:
that is true, i think it just feels selfish
Edwards, Kelsey [12:59 PM]:
like "look i have all this awesomeness while you have
nothing near this!"
Edwards, Kelsey [12:59 PM]:
i dunno
Edwards, Kelsey [12:59 PM]:
i sometimes think that i should drop what i have here and go
somewhere where i can actively make a difference
McNew, Roxanna [12:59 PM]:
well it isn't like you are saying they CAN'T do it. you are just
giving them reviews are awesome things they could do.
McNew, Roxanna [1:00 PM]:
now is the time to do that if you want to do that.
Edwards, Kelsey [1:01 PM]:
like i tithe and give money to things that i think are important,
but i want to actually DO something. like i want to go teach kids or i want to
help someone build something or i want to go somewhere where people don't even
have clean water. i want to actually physically be doing something. and instead
i feel like im just soaking up the excessiveness of america while others are sufferign
Edwards, Kelsey [1:01 PM]:
i want to like move to madagascar or something and DO something
about world suck
McNew, Roxanna [1:01 PM]:
well then save your money to
live on it for 1-2 years then go on a trip
Edwards, Kelsey [1:02 PM]:
that is part of my problem, is that i don't want to wait. i want
to do it NOW. i am so tempted to just get rid of everything and go
Edwards, Kelsey [1:03 PM]:
tomorrow isn't guaranteed, why not do something right now
Edwards, Kelsey [1:03 PM]:
who knows if i will feel this way in a year
McNew, Roxanna [1:03 PM]:
well if God wants you to do it you will always feel this way
Edwards, Kelsey [1:03 PM]:
that is a very true point
I don't know why, but I felt like I should put this on here. Seems a lot easier than writing out an entire blog about what I happened to be thinking at this moment.